With great pride and heartiest delight, I welcome you to the Ghaziabad institute of management and technology which uses rigorous and intensive integrated teaching learning approach to prepare future teachers. you are architects of the society. We are making efforts to provide congenial environment for our students to bloom. Our fondest hope is that the quality of your lives will be better than our own and our in most prayer is that our students will have all of our strengths and few of our weaknesses. We have good reasons to expect your lives to surpass ours in every way. As at stake is nothing less than the future of our country and the very existence of the next generation of children.
We want our students to have lives filled with friendships, love and high deeds. We want them to have eager to learn and be willing to confront challenges. We not only want our students to be grateful for what they receive from us but also to be proud of their own accomplishments. We want them to grow up with confidence in the future. We want them to have a love of adventure, a sense of justice and courage enough to act on that sense of justice. With best wishes and warm regards....
Dr. Ram Prakash Gupta